Learn about the difficult life of pioneers in the 19th century by playing The Oregon Trail. Therefore, new players must try beating the game as a banker before trying it at other difficulty levels. The random challenges in the game can change the entire course of the game for a player. Carpenters get a 2x point multiplier, while farmers get a 3x point multiplier. Since the game is easy for the banker, no point multipliers are applied. Your character choice also influences the points you earn when the game ends. The game ends when your party is eliminated or when you reach Oregon. The character you pick will determine the difficulty level of the game since the banker can afford food and supplies for most of the trip, while the carpenter has a smaller budget, and the farmer must rely mostly on skills to maneuver the trial. You will need to ration food, hunt, trade, and ford rivers while prioritizing your party’s survival.

Choose a persona and jump right into exploring the Oregon Trail on Classic Reload! First released to the masses in 1974 by MECC, The Oregon Trail stands out as the most important educational game of all time, holding a worthy spot in the Video Game Hall of Fame. The Oregon Trail is an older, very popular computer game that was developed by Bill Heinemann, Don Rawitsch, and Paul Dillenberger back in 1971.