Lets play city of heroes
Lets play city of heroes

Paying or not, this is all very impressive, making CoH well worth trying, or better yet, firing up an old account for a return visit. They're also the only ones who can continue improving their skills as Incarnates in the endgame. Subscribers get a monthly stipend of points to spend, along with being the only ones who can create guilds (an unfortunate, but increasingly standard restriction) and getting free access to all game systems – the auction house, Mission Architect, and so on – though not all of the premium content. All players can reach Level 50 without paying a single penny though, with the majority of regular content open to everybody. Purchasing anything in the store grants Premium status that directly unlocks these, or makes them available as in-game Rewards, and you'll most likely want to do this relatively early just to get it out of the way.

lets play city of heroes

Free players do have some major restrictions, such as not being able to play user-created content in the Mission Architect mode or join guilds.

Lets play city of heroes